Thursday, August 09, 2012

Winding down dog day

8:42 Pm
Well, dog day is winding down to a gentle close. It's hard to believe that only 24 hours ago--hell, only 12 hours ago, I didn't know my dog's name, breed or sex. And now we've met, and although I couldn't say that we know each other well, I feel as though that initial spark at least has been ignited in my heart. And that's often how the most effective and long-lasting relationships start, right? no impressive fireworks; no immediate caving in at the knees. Arden walked into my life calmly and confidently, sniffed my hands and licked them gently, before sitting in front of me and letting me love him at my own pace. I get the impression that he's an old, gentle and deep soul; a sensitive fellow who is deliberate in his actions, and purposeful in his work. And I could not have asked for a single thing more. And it doesn't hurt that he's utterly and completely beautiful, right?
And so our journey together begins. You know, I'm so foolish. Tonight as I was changing into my PJs, I flashed to an image of my future self in eight years, and thought of having to retire him! Am I not so ridiculous?
I hope our night is uneventful, though my dog is honestly so zen that I bet I'll wake up in the morning all prepared to discover my inner self or something. I'll be very surprised if I hear so much as a snore from him tonight. I hope that beneath that very calm and relaxed exterior, he isn't hiding nervousness of his own. I hope he's relaxed here, and that he isn't afraid that noone loves him. It's at times like these that I wish there were a quick language I could use to let him to hang in there, that I'm just as scared too, but that we're in it for the long haul. Anyway, he's probably not all depressed and's all in my head! :)
It seems as though everyone in class has been enjoying their match so far. It's just so wonderful to be surrounded by people who feel connected to their dogs and to be able to say that I feel that way, too. Here's to the beginning, and loving your first steps.
From GDB on dog night,
Shermeen and Arden

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