Thursday, August 23, 2012

Training day 18

12:05 Pm
I actually slept well last night, I think. I woke up about an hour later than normal, but actually felt pretty refreshed.
This morning, we headed back to Fisherman's Warf. Unbeknownst to be, the admissions department can actually ship a box of stuff to you if what you purchased can't fit in your suitcase! so, and much to my fiance's dissatisfaction I'm sure, I ended up buying a really nice Sanfrancisco shirt. I really hope I won't need an extra box for it, but you never know. Anyway, the route we did was really nice. Arden weaved expertly through pedestrians, though he did jump a  curb. He was hilarious, because even after I shoed it to him, he jumped it again. He got it on like the fifth try, and I just ended up laughing. he's definitely not a curb-jumper, but I just found it hilarious that he can do so many complicated and wonderful things, but there'll always be this one curb, or this one crossing, or this one thing that'll trip up any dog and there won't be any apparent reason for it. Anyway, it was more funny than serious, and all his other curbs were as excellent as they always are. Most of our turns were even good, come to think of it!
My instructor told me that I had to try an In and Out burger (In and Out is a California fast-food chain), so we stopped off and I loaded up. I got a picture of Arden and I, In and Out bag clutched to my chest, standing right outside the restaurant door.
This afternoon, we're heading back into San Anselmo again so we can re-do the right clearance route. There's also apparently a dog boutique store there, so I might pick up a thing or two for Sir Arden's wardrobe while I'm there.

6:32 Pm
Like I said earlier, our afternoon was spent in San Anselmo. Arden and I got another chance to do the right clearance route, and with the exception of my "encountering" one garbage can, the route went beautifully. It was so obvious that Arden had good carryover from when we were there last week, and it also became even more obvious than it had before that he really doesn't like getting in trouble. As soon as you point out that he's made an error, he sort of looks up, licks his lips a lot, and kind of puffs them out a bit. Then, as he re-works the issue, he sort of perses his lips again in concentration. Oh my gosh guys, I just have such an adorable dog.
After we'd completed the route, we all decided to hang out at a dog boutique called "Dogville" (I think). Our instructor is also a huge dog lover (go figure), so she was also eyeing the store down while we shopped. I bought Arden another squeaky tug toy that seems quite indestructible, as well as a collar with elephants on it, some more doggy cologne (this one in vanilla-almond), and an ID tag that's of angel wings and a halo (because he's an angel dog!). On the back of it will be engraved Arden's name, as well as my contact information should Arden decide to take off for the hills one day.
While we were browsing the store, these two elderly women came in and began talking to us about our dogs. They were immediately fascinated, but not necessarily in a good way.
"So do you guys beat your dogs?" one of them asked.
"I'm sorry?" I was shocked. did she just say what I thought she said?
"Are you joking? Did you just ask us if we beat our dogs?"
"Yes, that's what I asked."
I was very tempted to respond and say "yes, only not in pet stores" but I held my tongue. This woman was obviously either quite the character, or really unaware or confused. I think I just sat there slack-jawed while Melissa talked to them about positive reinforcement and all that good stuff.
"Well, those dogs are so skinny." I heard one of the women mutter to her friend as they left the store. Our dogs are most certainly not skinny; they're actually trim and fit, which I suspect is a far cry from whatever animal has the misfortune of being her pet. I've certainly been made aware that there are some people in this world who think that no dog should do anything but "be a dog", and that includes not working, and I already know that nothing I say will likely change their minds. and I'd rather not waste my time trying to. Like seriously, did that woman legitimately think we beat our dogs? as if I would have said "Oh yeah, all the time!". I swear, some people!
I had such a good afternoon, though. A combination of a really good route and some shopping is basically my idea of perfection.
When we got back to the inn, Arden and I actually had a very rousing game of tug; I'm delighted that he's actually a tugger! It's kind of hilarious, because he has no traction on the wooden floors here, so he was basically sliding around the room as I dragged him about with the toy, trying to bash his yellow head this way and that to get some leverage. He finally managed to drag me over to his carpet where he could dig his feet in and we played what I'm sure he thought was a more fair game. At one point, I managed to wrestle the tug toy from his teeth, and hurled it a little to enthusiastically across the room. We heard it crash very loudly into something, and that kind of brought the game to a grinding halt, as we both thought "Oh shit".  Turns out I had managed to toss the toy behind the air conditioner. I fished it out, and it was game on again. We just had so much fun together!
You know, it felt so good to just run around the room and be silly with my dog--it's something I should probably do more often. Things like that don't come to me as naturally though, but times like these serve as such a good reminder of how much fun it can be. And he deserves it so much. We then had five minutes for a very quick snuggle and then it was off to dinner!

7:10 Pm
Ok, so I was just sitting here reading e-mails, when I heard a knock on the door. The following thoughts all occurred to me all at once:
-Oh shit, Arden's not on tie-down.
-I have to get that door.
-I don't have time to tie him up! down! to anything!
So I launched off the bed, and yelled a "stay" towards Arden's corner. It was the nurse coming to ask a quick question. We chatted briefly at the door, and then she was off. I turned around, to find that Arden was lying quietly on his carpet, just like I'd asked. Bolting was never a fear I'd had for him, but you never know-he's a young dog, and I've only had him for two weeks. But nope-there he was, lying perfectly still. I basically unloaded my bate pouch into his mouth and praised him like it was going out of style. I just love him! I love him!

8:43 Pm
The day is winding down, and I'm promising myself that I'll at least be horizontal before 9:00. So this is going to be a quick last segment. Tomorrow the class goes to Mure Woods, a very scenic trail through a wooded area, complete with tree-scented air and bubbling streams. It seems like such a wonderful and stress-free way to end class. I'm sure it will be bittersweet though, as I've never been good at letting go of anything--good or bad. Anyway, before I descend into more melodrama, I'm going to say goodnight and we'll speak tomorrow!

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